Snowman Soup Assembly Recipe
Step 1: Measure 3Tbls. Chocolate Mix into small plastic bag and close with twisty tie (Small and larger bags and ribbon were bought at Joannes Fabric)
Step 2: Insert into large bag: Chocolate Mix, 5 marshmallows, 2 kisses, 1 candy cane
Step 3: Tie with ribbon and attach Snowman Soup Recipe Tag (Our Tags were made on a Windows Doc. and Clip Art, then we cut card stock with paper trimmer and rounded corners, whole punch and tied with holiday ribbon and raffia).
Step 4: Keep for yourself or give to someone special. Merry Christmas and enjoy!
Snowman Poop
Just plain mini-marshmallows in a bag!
Our family also made this:
It is a metal star cookie cutter places in an organza bag and inside is a card with a Christmas note wishing a Merry Christmas, along with the recipe for our favorite homemade play dough and the idea of making the play dough with your kids and while it cools, cuddling together and reading the Christmas Story about Jesus' birth. Taking time to talk with your children about what Christmas is really all about and why we celebrate it. And telling them about the Wise Men and how they followed the Star to Bethlehem to meet the King, our Savior, Baby Jesus. And that we too can choose to follow Jesus. Then after your done sharing the story, go back into the kitchen and cut out stars with the star cookie cutter from yellow colored play dough. It is a great preschool and school age activity to focus on Jesus this Christmas season.
Here's our recipe and what our cards said: the recipe was passed along several years ago by a friend from church(Thank you Staci for sharing this awesome recipe with us, we miss Puggles, Avery still talks about it!). Best recipe ever! And feel free to use my wording.
Merry Christmas!
This Christmas Season take some time to slow down and spend time with your kiddos.
Make some of this play dough and color it yellow. While the play dough cools from cooking, cuddle up
with your kiddos and read the Christmas Story to them. Talk to them about how
the Wise Men followed the Star to Bethlehem to baby Jesus and how we too can choose to
follow. Then go back to the kitchen and have fun with your star cookie cutter, cutting out
yellow play dough stars. We love each of you and wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Love Heather, Aren, Avery and Ben
(we tied on alphabet ornaments for their 1st names)
Cooked Play dough
3 Cups of Flour
½ Cup Salt
2 Tbsp. Cream of Tarter (we buy ours in bulk at Winco)
3 Cups Water
6 Tbsp. Salad Oil
Food Coloring(I like to use Wilton's Icing Color concentrated paste-sold at Michael's or Joannes in cake supplies)
First add dry ingredients to a large stew pot. Then add wet ingredients. Stir and heat on medium until mixture becomes stiff and pliable and begins to come away from the sides of the pot. Remove from pot and cool until workable then knead until smooth in texture and color.
Store in a plastic Ziploc. *** It seems like you are stirring forever, then all of a sudden it
comes together into play dough consistency very quickly. Once you are stirring, be careful not to leave the pot or it will burn!! Enjoy!
Here's some more holiday pictures of my family.
Each holiday or season of the year, we keep a basket of books in our kitchen with the theme of the holiday or season that we are in. We love cuddling on the couch and reading them. It seems I have passed my book addiction on to not only Avery, but Ben too! It is a rare moment he is seen hands-free of a book. I'm a proud momma!
While our home smells nice from the live Christmas Tree, I like to burn scented oils from Bath & Body Works
Sadly this year our annual trip to Snowy Peaks Christmas Tree Farm was cancelled due to the weather, so we were forced to visit a tree lot at a local nursery. While the experience was not the same... we must say it was much more simple and fast!
The trees were all so beautiful and perfectly shaped, so it wasn't hard to pick one out quickly.
Ben decorating/playing with his box of ornaments.
Our little Avery Mae posing in front of the tree.
Every year we get together with our old playgroup friends and do a book exchange with the kids. Here are all the kiddos! Ben was not having it!
Here are all the mommas!
And the papas!
Oh and we do a cookie exchange. Our family made and exchanged Gingerbread Whoopie Pies!
Then I made boxes for my neighbors with all my exchanged cookies! It is the way to go!
Then the kids helped me pass them out. And shake them up! Ugh!