Friday, January 8, 2010

The "Bumps" & "Bruises" of Life

Life is full of “bumps” and “bruises”… here is one of Benjamin’s first. Being a boy, I am sure first of many. This was a mishap as he and Avery took turns pushing each other around in the Radio Flyer Walker Wagon. Yes I said, “took turns.” This little 14 month old was pushing his 4 ½ year old sister around in the wagon too! It was a sight to see. Hilarious! While momma did not see the actual cause leading to the incident…I am sure it had something to do with exceeding a safe speed as they rounded the kitchen island counter or breaking too hard at the last minute and flying overboard--can we say “man overboard?”

Needless to say we got high pitch screaming, Avery looking like she did something she shouldn’t have and quickly slipping in a “I’m sorry”, to a first nose bleed. After peace was restored, we assessed the damage, then made a quick call to the ole’ advice nurse…cause it‘s free! Which left us with some reassurance that all was probably well, but to just be sure let‘s make life more exciting…“you can only let him sleep for maximum 2 hours for his nap and then tonight after he falls asleep, wake him after 2 hours.” What! Wake a sleeping baby! Let’s just say our night was not about peaceful zzzzz’s. We were up watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse till 1:30 a.m. He thought it was his second nap of the day. UGH!!! Momma’s dragging today. I need some Dove chocolate and a iced white chocolate mocha ASAP!

While I know I can’t always prevent these things from happening…I sure would like to. Can’t I just put him in a bubble? Both of them? Wrap them up tight in bubble wrap! I know… It really is true when it was said, “Making the decision to have a child is truly momentous. It is deciding forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.” (~Quote is from Elizabeth Stone). Ah… Lord please give me strength….give me strength.

p.s. This just in!  Apparently, the Radio Flyer Wagon has claimed another victim. Our little friend, Hunter L. fell victim to it's wiley ways earlier this week.  While playing joyfully, he took a dive head first into it’s railing and bought himself a trip to the ER, a dermabond treatment and one worried momma E.  Can we say "recall"!  My only wonder….who will be next? They say things happen in 3’s. Suydam family be on alert!

1 comment:

Allie said...

I love your new blog! It is fun to read all your stories :) and everything looks so professional! You need to help me with mine now!