Thursday, February 11, 2010

Creative Kiddo Cookin' in the Kitchen

What do you do when it is cold and gloomy outside and your kids are climbing the walls and swinging from the curtains to the chandeliers? Create something in the kitchen! When Avery gets her creative juices flowing there is no stopping that girl! She is quite the little chef and would single-handedly cut up everything in my kitchen if I let her. Her and her cute little "knife". (It's a lime green, plastic butter knife). She orders me around the kitchen, as the "Head Chef" requesting ingredients. Some that I cringe at the near future prospect of taste testing. But she is in 7th heaven! She is quite the sweetheart while cooking in the kitchen with me. She repeatedly tells me "your the best mommy ever" and how much she loves me...smacking her lips for another kiss. What can a momma not love about that!? Deal with the mess or being slathered with praise and love from your darling preschooler. Either's mostly a wonderful moment we share together. Not that there are not moments of chaos and huge messes. But I have learned boundaries: the when’s, how, and what’s of cooking with her. The biggest one....don't cook when your tired. As I want it to be an enjoyable moment, where we are building joyful memories, not a moment of impatience and frustration. So under the right circumstances, we usually end up with a "tasty" treat to serve daddy when he gets home from work (LOL), a creative activity to erase away the boredom blues and some fun memories. And usually the only real big mess we end up with adorable 15 month old terrorizing my kitchen cabinets...cause you know...he wants to cook too! Today we actually made something I think daddy might enjoy. Mommy made the stuffed mushrooms and Avery made mushroom bowls (extremely tiny pieces of mushrooms, with little pats of butter, topped with a garlic butter breadcrumb mixture and parmesan cheese). Yummo!

Avery's "Concoction" was actually quite tasty!


(I don't drink I left out the Vermouth due to not having any and used fresh garlic instead of garlic powder).  This is simple and a tasty little appetizer! 

1 stick butter
1 small onion, minced
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup sweet Vermouth
1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 cup plain bread crumbs
1 lb. mushrooms (remove stems and finely chop)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon oregano

Melt butter in skillet. Cook onion until translucent. Add chopped stems. Stir in bread crumbs, seasonings, and cheese. Brown lightly. Add sweet Vermouth last. Toss lightly to combine well. Stuff mushroom caps with mixture. Bake at 350°F for 15 minutes.


I call her my "little chef". And she giggles with great pride and says, "Like Ratatouille!"

Of course Ben had his own "recipe" working too... stinky boy!

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