Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The greatest of these is Love

Valentine's week in our not just a day celebrated on the 14th.  But a whole week of celebrating!  Celebrating love!  Celebrating those we love.  So this was our week and we had lots of fun.  Avery really thinks it is a "holiday".  We started two weeks out, encouraging Avery to sign each of her valentines that she picked out.   With 19 classmates, two teachers and lots of other people she loves...she needed plenty of time to practice her name. 

Avery's class had a valentine's day party on the Friday before, so we were excited to get creative in the kitchen.  One of Avery's favorite things to do is to help in the kitchen, so we decorated some pretzel rods with some melted chocolate and spread the love to some of the teachers at Adventure Christian School.  She had a ball...and a full belly too.  Messy girl!  (Don't worry to those who received these yummy pretzels....any she happened to lick we kept!) 

We volunteered to bring some love to her classmates, via heartshaped ham and cheese sammies.   
And Avery was dressed and ready for the special day of love with her classmate friends and teachers.  But the fun was just beginning. 

One of my crafty...scrapbookin' friend, Brenda, shared this on her blog. 
"The love bucket".  She made one for her husband with little hearts to redeem for things like, "a day to golf," etc....  But Avery and I decided we were going to do hearts with words of affirmation for daddy to take to work.  So on about 50 hearts we wrote reasons we love daddy.  We wrote some from each of us, including Ben and Payton too.  All the wonderful reasons we love our daddy.  Then we added the recommened chocolate treat.  And decorated it.  Little did Avery know, that her daddy and I made one for her too.  Hers included not only hearts with words of affirmation, but also fun things to do.  Such as, "today you get to pick out mommy/daddy's clothes", "free toenail and fingernail painting", etc...  We have had fun with hers and we encouraged daddy to take  his to work, for a little love while he is away. 
And Aren and I agreed to not "buy" each other gifts.  So he got his "love bucket" (thanks to Brenda!...great idea!) and I... got to sleep in and a surprise homemade breakfast with heart shaped pancakes, bacon, fruit and even chocolate! (well maybe I knew a thing or two...never tell Avery a "secret" she'll give out so many hints, the cat will get out of the bag! LOL  She told me, "Mommy, you'll love all the smells...but you have to stay in bed for a little's a surprise"!).  

It was a sweet ending to the week. 

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 
~1 Corinthians 13:13 (red text color added)


Brenda Johnston said...

Those turned out so cute! What a great idea to involve your kids in the bucket!

5Bazocs said...

Thanks Brenda! You were my inspiration! Thank you!